AvriilPride Engineering Ltd. | Deepwater Drilling | Offshore Drilling
Crude Oil
Crude Oil

Our crude trading business has longstanding relationships with producers and refiners worldwide. We help the former effectively market and distribute their daily production, and the latter secure a reliable and consistent supply of the right quality crude at the right time.

We transact in over 100 different grades of crude oil in locations globally and are active across major centres where crude is produced, refined and traded, enabling our customers to benefit from critical intelligence and access to the most appropriate market. As a physical trader, we can deliver crude anywhere our customers require. We are one of the world’s growing spot charterers of crude vessels and have a dedicated fleet of various sizes, as well as access to storage on land around the world. Serving a global market

Our market-leading position is built on a presence throughout the supply chain and the major trading hubs. Partnering with producers

With specialist knowledge, global expertise and long-established relationships with national oil companies, oil majors and independent producers, we manage transportation via pipeline, barge, train, truck and all sizes of vessel to efficiently and reliably transport crude to refiners and companies worldwide. When appropriate, our traders work alongside our finance and E&P teams to develop commercial structures which allow us to finance producers’ operations in return for offtake.